
Agriculture Schemes

Agriculture Income Initiative for Scheduled Tribes

There are substantial tracts of agricultural land that are under the direct control of either people of the Scheduled Tribes or the Scheduled Tribes Development Department. These tracts have abundant natural resources and vast potential for the development of agriculture and allied activities. Most of the tribal communities suffer from severe malnutrition and related health issues. If modern methods of agriculture and allied activities (for example, animal resources and inland fisheries, supported by minor irrigation) are introduced, new incomes can be created on a sustainable basis for the people of these areas and nutrition problems will also be addressed.

Educational Schemes

The specific components will be decided depending on the regional preference and the nature of activities suitable for tribal hamlets. In each case, the Department will prepare alternative menus for raising incomes like homestead farming, collective farming, with the help of experts, taking into consideration the specific agro-ecological conditions of the area. These alternative income- maximising proposals should be brought together into project proposals. Village market place, (chandha) owned and operated by tribal groups without exploitation by middlemen will also be included. Comprehensive Agricultural Practices including cultivation of vegetables, leafy vegetables, and other millets seeds and pisciculture shall be framed in consultation with Agriculture and Fisheries department. Service of the Public distribution system shall be ensured so that the agricultural products of Attappady reach the tribals for consumption.

The scheme comprises of three sub schemes as detailed below

The on-going agricultural projects like Millet Village Programme, Nutrition Sufficiency through Ago - ecology in Attappady and Haritha Rashmi project in Idukki and Wayanad Districts have to be evaluated and the second phase of the these projects like, value addition, processing, marketing and formation of Farmer Producers Companies have to be taken up in a concerted manner.

This component is intended for the development of agricultural and allied activities in areas of Scheduled Tribe concentration, with a special focus on the following regions.

  • Aralam Tribal Rehabilitation and Development Mission Area, Kannur

  • Sugandhagiri and neighbouring areas of Wayanad district

  • Attappady in Palakkad district (ACFS, VGCFS, Kurumba society)

  • Cheengeri farm in Wayanad District

Projects on farm activities like mushroom cultivation, ginger plantation, spices, oil seeds, and organic inputs, planting new saplings, strengthening the management of existing crops, infilling and expansion of plants, planting of intercrop, vegetable cultivation, and setting up of a hi-tech nursery unit, scientific beekeeping and honey processing, constructing fencing, etc., and farm modernization and mechanisation, processing, value addition, and marketing of agro-products from these farms are intended to be undertaken under this component. Priority will be given to Scheduled Tribe entrepreneurs and start-ups to start ventures for processing, value addition, and marketing.

MRS focuses on the holistic development of tribal children through education and health. Agricultural practices (study and practical classes for agriculture and alied sectors) will be included in the curriculum of MRSs.

This component includes training in cultivation of their ethnic agriculture products as well as modern farming. In addition, the MRSs will provide facilities for knowing and practicing beekeeping, animal husbandry, fisheries etc. to the tribal students along with their routine school syllabus.