Critical Gap Filling Scheme (Corpus Fund) under TSP
Corpus fund is intended to provide funds for filling any critical gap in the TSP provision made under various schemes in the Annual Plan on project basis with emphasis on livelihood development, human resource development, basic needs, economic development etc. The projects received from the Districts and those taken up by the Directorate will be funded. Priority shall be given for providing internet connectivity, facilities and equipment for online learning, livelihood activities, piped water connectivity, sanitation, household electric connection, supply of cooking gas to BPL tribal households, etc. Programmes and projects in areas like literacy and non-formal education among STs, self-employment and skill development programmes, Community facilitation centres like community hall, library etc., complete electrification of tribal settlements, improving connectivity to inaccessible areas like construction of roads, bridges, culverts, and foot paths technology transfer and projects for information, communication and education, improvement of health and sanitation, development of education including soft skills/vocational training in various activities and centers for Schedules Tribes with internet DTP, Photostat and FAX facilities and gap filling that are required in the implementation of schemes supported by Pradhan Mantri AdiAdarshGramYojana(ErstwhileSCA to TSS) and engaging accredited NGOs will also be taken up under this scheme.
Further, projects for supporting meritorious ST students seeking admission in renowned national/international institutions and assistance to job opportunities abroad in relevant areas will be considered under this scheme. Also, projects for development of micro enterprises and livelihood activities at family level with special priority for rehabilitation of unwed mothers will be considered. Provision for actual rent of lease land to poor ST farmers, who are having below one acre of land and are cultivating lease land, will be met from this scheme. Distribution of Onakkodi, organizing Kudumbasree units, assistance for extension of existing Kudumbasree units in Tribal areas and projects for supporting entrepreneurship are also included. Third party evaluation of TSP schemes implemented by the Department by Research Institutions and Govt. agencies and social auditing of various schemes for tribal development shall be taken up under this scheme. Provision will also be used for meeting the department assistance for education loan repayment support scheme for the ST student. One third of the amount would be allocated to district authority on the basis of ST population, presence of PVTG, backwardness. A contingency fund will be allocated for meeting emergency situations for District Offices. Administrative sanction for schemes up to ₹ 25.00 lakh shall be issued at the Districts, based on the approval of District Level Committee for SC/STs (DLC for SC/STs). Amount can be utilized for the gap filling projects implemented by Local Self Government for families included in the extreme poverty survey and ST micro plan.
Planning, implementation and monitoring expenses of critical gap filling (corpus fund) scheme can also be met from this component.
The amount under this head can also be utilised for the implementation of the action plan prepared by the State Planning Board in connection with STDD, the Education Department, and LSGD to address enrolment, and retention problems in the ST education sector and improve the pass percentage, grades, and quality of education. The project proposals for the construction of roads & bridges will be considered by the State Level Working Group based on the recommendations of the District Level Committee for Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes and funds will be provided from the ST Department. A special monitoring system with IT platform has to be developed in the Directorate using the MIS cell under the Sub Plan Cell for tracking and timely completion of the projects.
The progress of implementation of various projects sanctioned at district level under this scheme should be strictly monitored by the District Level Committee for SC/ST as per GO (P) No.11/2021/Planning dated 28/09/2021 of the Planning & Economic Affairs (A) Department, Government of Kerala.