Pooled Fund for Special Projects in collaboration with Other Departments
The main objective of the programme is to establish convergence with other line departments and agencies to address the critical issues of the tribes. Pooled fund is intended to implement special projects for the benefit of Scheduled Tribes communities by Government Departments/Institutions/Agencies/NGOs. Departments/institutions/agencies/NGOs which require allotment from pooled fund should submit project proposals aiming ST development, with their contribution, to State Planning Board for consideration. If the project is found feasible and admissible, State Planning Board will forward the projects to the ST Development Department for placing them before the SLWG/Special Working Group. The existing guidelines should be strictly followed for the preparation of projects and its approval and implementation.
The progress of implementation of various projects sanctioned under this scheme should be strictly monitored by the respective District Level Committee for SC/ST as per GO (P) No.11/2021/Planning dated 28/09/2021of the Planning & Economic Affairs (A) Department, Government of Kerala.