Educational Schemes

Education Schemes

Incentives & Assistance to Students

The objective of the sub scheme is to give special incentives to brilliant students of ST Communities who secure higher grades/marks in SSLC, Plus-2, Degree, Post-Graduation and Research including Professional courses. Incentives will be awarded at various rates as per the norms prescribed by the Government. Those who excel in the spheres of arts and sports will also be rewarded with cash incentives/certificate/medals. During 2024-25, around 750 students are expected to be provided incentives under this scheme.

The sub scheme intends to provide continuous assistance to selected talented students of the tribal community (day scholars) from 5th standard to 10th standard for academic excellence and extracurricular activities. By using a software, continuous tracking and performance assessment of the students selected under the scheme shall be ensured to monitor the performance till the student attains academic excellence in the entire course of education. Every year, 200 students studying in 5th standard will be selected through an intelligence test. Assistance for purchase of furniture and books, financial aid for medical care, monthly stipend as per the rate fixed by government from time to time, special guidance and counselling is also given to the selected students for 6 years (from Class 5 to Class 10). The selection procedure by the LSS-USS scholarship of General Education Department would be followed for selection of students. After selection, special coaching and focused attention has to be given to such children to attain academic excellence

The sub scheme intends to address the issue of digital divide among students of Scheduled Tribes community by providing Laptop to ST students of higher education courses above Plus Two in approved Universities/Institutes. The courses eligible for providing laptops will be decided by the Government. Application should be forwarded by the Principal/Head of the Institution certifying that such assistance has not been received from Local Self Government Institutions. Laptops will be provided only once to an individual beneficiary in the entire course period. During 2024-25 around 450 students are expected to be assisted under the sub scheme. An outlay of ₹450.00 lakh is provide fot the subscheme during 2024-25. An amount of ₹ 925.00 lakh is provided for the above five sub schemes during 2024-25.

The objective of the sub scheme is to provide social security by way of special financial assistance to students of Scheduled Tribes who have no parents to look after. They will be provided assistance for education and living till they become adult/wage earners and the rate of assistance will be as per the Government Order. The students of Scheduled Tribes who have passed Plus Two can also be provided special allowances for the initial expenses required for further studies. The fund will also be utilized for the purpose of survey/identification of such children, their rehabilitation and assistance for upbringing.

The objective of the sub scheme is to give special incentives to brilliant students of ST Communities who secure higher grades/marks in SSLC, Plus-2, Degree, Post-Graduation and Research including Professional courses. Incentives will be awarded at various rates as per the norms prescribed by the Government. Those who excel in the spheres of arts and sports will also be rewarded with cash incentives/certificate/medals. During 2024-25, around 750 students are expected to be provided incentives under this scheme.

Promotion of Education among Scheduled Tribes

Children of Tribal communities suffer from malnutrition, retarded growth and learning problems. In order to address these issues the Department intends to start 31 model pre- primary schools in tribal concentrated settlements. The pre- schools will be established by converging or merging of the single-teacher schools and peripatetic educational institutions in the settlements wherever possible.The students covered under the scheme would be given hostel accommodation when they reach 2nd and 3rd standards to continue their education. Also, annual training for model preschool teachers and nannies, purchase of necessary books, stationery, toys, audio visual system, construction of playground and toilet can also be met from this scheme.

As substantial percentage of the tribal hamlets are in the interior forest and inaccessible areas and lack of transportation facilities are one of the major causes of children not attending the schools. In order to ensure universal elementary education to all tribal children and reducing the dropouts and enhancing the retention of tribal children in schools the ST Development Department has been implementing the scheme Vidhyavahini (Gothrasarathy) in tribal areas. From 2023-24 onwards the scheme will be implemented by the ST Development Department. If the Local Self Government Institutions desire to collaborate with this scheme, they can also contribute funds to the scheme

Samuhya Padanamuri was established for creating ambience of education in tribal hamlets with provision for tuition. One educated tribal youth from the same locality will be selected and trained as tutor with honorarium and will work as a facilitator and social worker also. Facilities including computer with internet, furniture, reading materials etc. will be provided. Light refreshment will also be provided to the students. It is also intends to give pucca structures wherever needed, and is proposed to start Resource Centres and mentoring units in each community study center to enhance the self-esteem and self-reliance among tribal people. The scheme also envisages transforming 54 Community Study Centres as Model Community Study Centres. The community study centres will also function as hub for digitally connected tribal hamlets, wherever necessary, in order to address the digital divide among STs. Setting up of infrastructure for starting virtual pre-exam training centres in the Model Communitty Study Centres is also included. The Community Study Centers will function as Anganwadies/Kindergartens in the settlements where there are no such pre-school facilities

This component is intended to provide special coaching to students of High School and Plus One & Plus Two classes to increase the pass percentage. The monthly tuition fee would be directly given to parents (through DBT) for providing tuition through nearby tutorials. The target of the scheme is to cover 1600 ST students. The activities included are as follows.

  • Tuition for school going ST students of High School and Plus One & Plus Two
  • Tuition for failed ST students in SSLC, Plus Two and Degree courses for clear the exam
  • Implementation of Gurukulam Programme of Attappady Co-operative Farming Society and “Girivikas” programme taken up by Nehru Yuva Kendra, Palakkad.
  • One month crash programme before the SSLC &Plus Two examinations (district-wise) under the supervision of Project Officers/Tribal Development Officers with food, accommodation, teaching aids, study materials, honorarium to teachers etc. The expenditure for the crash programme should not exceed ₹ 3500 per student.
  • Tuition for students in Pre - Matric Hostels
  • Assistance for Online/Distance education

The objective of this component is to encourage and promote sports, games and arts related activitiesamong tribal children and youth in association with Sports Authority of India, Kerala State Sports Council, Sports Association and National & International agencies. The Department, in association with SAI, has already initiated action for spotting of talents. Such talents can be groomed through systematic coaching so that they could become excellent sports persons to participate in national and international levels.

The expenditure pertaining to conduct Kalikkalam, the annual sports meet of tribal children of Model Residential Schools and hostels under the Tribal Department are to be met from this component. Under this component assistance will be given to the tribal children/youth for availing expert coaching in various sporting fields and for participating in international, national and state level competitions. In addition, the expenses required for giving grant or issue of certificates, citations or awards of merit in recognition of achievements in games and sports, conducting state level initiatives for promotion of sports including hiring/engaging meritorious sports persons and coaches at state level as well as school/hostel level for grooming talents, hosting major sporting events, providing fellowships to assist tribal individuals who have participated in state, national and international meets to maintain their nutritional level, various sports and arts promotional activites etc. can also be included and other expenses in pursuing excellence in sports will be met from this component. Necessary sports and games equipment required in schools and hostels under the department will also be provided. Special coaching of ST students to participate in arts festivals and competitions can also be provided under this scheme. Expenses for setting up of courts and grounds for sports training for scheduled tribe youth can also be met from this sub component.